Migration scenarios

Migration scenarios

Situation 1: from DD4T 2 to DXA R2 Framework-style

Applies to: customers that are currently on DD4T 2 and have a significant number of customizations in the web application (e.g. factories, resolvers, DI, logging, caching)

Migration path:

1Start using the model service inside their current applicationPerformance improvement because of pre-resolved links and improved caching / performance

1a: Import DXA into the CMS, change templates to R2, republish, install model service, switch to the model service provider (recommended if publishing is not a big issue and if there are no significant template customizations)

1b: Import DXA into the CMS, publish system pages, install model service, switch to the model service provider (recommended if customer does not want to republish all their pages or have significant template customizations)

After DXA 2.0 release
2Start using DXA framework instead of DD4TMove to single codebase, ability to use modules??Replace factories / resolvers / cacheagents / etc by corresponding DXA artifactsAfter DXA 2.1 release

Situation 2: from DD4T 2 to DXA R2 Application-style

Applies to: customers that are currently on DD4T 2 and have few customizations in the web application (e.g. factories, resolvers, DI, logging, caching) - custom views, models, and controllers are allowed 

Migration path:

1Migrate to DXA 2 directlyFew customizations means low impact to migrate, and you gain the benefit of modules, plus probably performance increase.

Refactor view classes to use DXA annotations. Views do not need to change. Other customizations (controllers etc) must be refactored on a case-by-case basis.

After DXA 2.0 release

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