2017-03-28 Meeting notes
2017-03-28 Meeting notes
- Quirijn Slings
- Bart Koopman (Unlicensed)
- Wouter Kers
- Understand the current context & status of the merge, and ownership
- Approve addition of SDL's Product Management team to Steering Group
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
10 min | DD4T & DXA Merge status | Raimond Kempees (Unlicensed) |
5 min | Agree on schedule for next meeting | Former user (Deleted), Raimond Kempees (Unlicensed), Nuno Linhares (Unlicensed) | Bi-weekly scheduled agreed |
5 min | What can be done to increase participation | Nuno Linhares (Unlicensed) | Will continue the bi-weekly meetings, and make sure notes are publicly posted in this space. As a group, we have made a promise to our community and need to deliver on it. |
Action items
- Nuno Linhares (Unlicensed): Add Onno Ceelen & Chris Chrcek (SDL Product Management) to Steering Group
- Nuno Linhares (Unlicensed): Discuss with Wouter Kers if his involvement in the SG activities is necessary
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